Thursday, September 17, 2009

Grass Fed Beef for sale!!

Hi Everyone,

One of Paul's professors raises grass-fed beef as a hobby and is looking to sell some! Here is the email I recieved about his grass-fed beef:

"The beef is virtually organic (but not certified as such): it is all pasture and hay fed (year around), with some grain in the hardest winter months. There are no hormones or other sinister additives. I use no herbicides or artificial fertilizer on the pastures. The present beef (Hereford) available is half of a beef weighing 487 pounds (it was a big cow!) hanging weight. I’m selling at $2.45 per pound (which is about .14 below retail) and is the total cost per pound (I pay for wrapping). The meat will be custom cut in about 10-14 days, according to the customers’ orders. The half may be split in two; or someone could choose the front quarter and someone else the rear quarter. The other half is already sold. The end result of trimming off fat will bring down the total weight of meat taken home. I estimate the space needed will be a little less than 3 cu feet per quarter (or half of the half).
I’ll be slaughtering another beef in about 6-8 weeks; it will weigh about 600 pounds hanging wt., with a half being about 300 pounds. Let me know if there are any who are interested. I usually deliver to the customer; the cutting and wrapping is done at Shy Ann Meats in Oregon City."

If you are interested in purchasing a half or quarter of these cows please email me at First come first served, priority will be given to Food Group members! For those of you who don't know, hanging weight includes the fat and some bone, so the actual price per pound will average out higher than $2.45 per pound. Usually 75% of the hanging weight is the actual meat. This is a great price considering the butchering, cutting, and wrapping is included! If you have questions, I'd be happy to talk with you.


1 comment:

Emily said...

Grass Fed Beef is all sold! Thanks!


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