I would have never thought to make my own vanilla extract, but I happened to read a blog post about it on Passionate Homemaking. All you need to make your own homemade delicious vanilla extract are three things: whole vanilla beans, glass jars, and vodka. I ordered my vanilla beans and bottles from Mountain Rose Herbs (A local distributor in Eugene, OR) and bought a cheap bottle of vodka from the local liquor store. The process for actually making the vanilla extract was so easy, you just have to take the effort to order the supplies and try something new.
To make the extract, use one bean per 4oz jar, cut the whole bean in half lengthwise then into inch-long pieces, put the pieces into the jar, and fill the jar with vodka. Oh, and one final step, let the vanilla extract sit for 8 weeks before using :). This lets the vanilla fully saturate the vodka.
I made six 4oz bottles, gave five away as Christmas presents and saved one for myself. The total cost of each bottle was well under $5...comparable to most vanilla extract, but half as cheap as good quality vanilla. After you've used half the bottle, you can fill it up with vodka again to make your jar last longer. What a deal!
That's one way I plan on saving money naturally in the future...how about you? What are some ways you've cut your spending by making natural choices?