I recently borrowed this book from the library and absolutely love it!
Organic Body Care Recipes by Stephanie Tourles guides you through the process of making a wide variety of natural body care recipes with tips on how to use and store the products. Tourles also gives helpful advice on using recipes that suit your personal hygeine needs (oily vs. dry skin, etc). I've looked through a lot of body care books, and this one definitely is a terrific combination of inspiring, practical, and simple. Many of the ingredients in the recipes may be unfamiliar to you, so if you are wondering where you can pick up the goodies on these ingredient lists some helpful resources are:
Glory Bee Foods Mountain Rose HerbsBulk Herb Store
I am so excited to try some of these wonderful recipes! P.S. In the spirit of Living Naturally and Saving Money, implementing many of these recipes will be extremely beneficial in cutting costs from your monthly budget.
Thanks for stopping by Gina!
i know someone who has been looking for a book like this everywhere! thank you for sharing :)
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